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Technical grade salt. The industry driver

Technical grade salt. The industry driver

Although industrial salt is often associated with its use on roads, it actually has a variety of different applications depending on its specific type and industry. It is indispensable in the production of such everyday products as washing powder or even clothes. QEMETICA product portfolio offers all these types of technical grade salt.

Industrial salt. The cornerstone of production

Industrial salt is one of the key products used in many manufacturing industries. It is an essential ingredient for the production of some types of cleaning products and other chemicals. Interestingly, it also finds application in the tanning and textile industries, in the production of clothes.

A lesser-known fact about industrial salt is that it is used in the heating industry. Certain types of technical grade salt soften water and help to ensure proper water circulation.

Like food-grade salt, industrial salt is produced from a solution derived from the wet mining of natural rock salt deposits. This makes QEMETICA industrial salt stands out in terms of quality.

The product is available in 25 kg bags and 500 kg and 1000 kg big bags.

Salt without anti-caking agent. Indispensable for the chemical industry

A lesser-known type of technical grade salt is salt without anti-caking agent. In fact, it is the basis for the production of a wide range of detergents and chemicals used in most homes and farms. Salt without anti-caking agent is also used in the electrolysis process in the production of potassium, hydrogen, chlorine or oxygen.

The chemical industry takes advantage of its properties to produce high-demand products, such as washing powders. This is also due to the strict quality standards that this salt meets, in particular purity standards.

Salt without anti-caking agent is available in 25 kg bags.

Winter de-icing salt. Paves the way

Winter salt is the most widely known type of technical grade salt. It is essential for de-icing pavements, squares and other traffic routes during freezing weather. It speeds up the melting of snow and ice, increasing safety and making snow removal easier. In addition, like other QEMETICA products, it stands out for its quality, setting standards in its category.

Our winter de-icing salt is available in convenient 5 kg bags with a handle, as well as larger packs of 25 kg.

Undried salt. Versatility at its best

The affordability and extremely wide range of applications makes undried salt the product of choice for many industries. It is used in most manufacturing processes where other types of technical grade salt are also used, from the chemical industry through the production of cosmetic products to road works.

It is produced in the same way as other types of salt. Undried salt is produced from a solution derived from the mining of natural rock salt deposits.

Wet salt comes in two grades and is sold in bulk, depending on individual demand and requirements