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Nitrite curing salts. The secret of meat flavour

Nitrite curing salts. The secret of meat flavour

One of the key products for the food industry is nitrite curing salt. It is no secret that the meat and sausage production industry cannot do without it. High-quality curing salt is an essential ingredient in many meats and meat products loved by Polish consumers. What is equally important, it is also largely responsible for the quality of the finished product. At QEMETICA, we have been using our expertise for years to produce market-leading, top-quality salt tenderizers.

How do nitrite curing salts work?

The process of curing food is directly based on the oldest ways of food preservation. For centuries, all over the world, meats have been covered in salt, thus extending the shelf life of the product, its freshness and good taste. This is due to the antibacterial properties of the curing salt.

Nitrite curing salt ensures the microbiological stability of the meat, while also influencing its appearance and taste. It is due to the action of curing salt that meats take on a more pronounced pinkish colour. Enhanced natural colour also makes meat products more appetising to consumers.

Application of nitrite curing salt

The QEMETICA portfolio includes three types of curing salt of different concentration of the active substance. Those are:

  • 0,35-0,45% nitrite curing salt
  • azotynowa sól peklująca 0,5%-0,6%
  • azotynowa sól peklująca 0,8%-0,9%

Each of these products is suitable for wide use in the production
and processing of meat. The choice of a given curing salt is dictated by the desired effect. However, all three types of QEMETICA nitrite curing salt are suitable for preserving many types of meat, curing sausages, as well as making aromatic marinades.

It is important to remember that salt tenderizers are not intended for direct seasoning of food. Its unique curing properties make it suitable for consumption when properly processed. The products prepared in this way offer genuine taste and aroma, completely safe for consumers.

Top-quality curing salt

Quality is the decisive factor defining the value of the product. QEMETICA nitrite curing salt meets the highest standards. It is a product that meets strict standards and is safe if used as recommended. Moreover, QEMETICA curing salt is produced in a process covered by the HACCP system, which protects it from various contaminants. This is one of the reasons why our nitrite curing salt is a top-class product. After all, it is partly responsible for the final quality of the meat products and their excellent taste.

QEMETICA nitrite curing salt in each of the three variants is available in 25 kg bags.